Shipping Container Cabin

Shipping Container Cabin

You may be wondering what is a shipping container home and where can you get a container homemade for you and your family? All you need to do is get in touch with Container Homes Wisconsin and see what we have to offer in terms of shipping container cabin. We offer various sized containers for your shipping container home, and you can get them customized depending on what you want.


Shipping container cabin; what is it?

A shipping container cabin can be described as a dwelling that is made from a shipping container, but you can obtain incredible container homes that can be diverse. Containers are known to come in two different sizes, but you can use multiple containers to build a spacious living space for either an individual, a couple, or even a family! At Container Homes Wisconsin  our builders can combine shipping containers, where they remove the walls to create a spacious interior and even extra rooms. Our shipping container cabins can be made to meet all of your comfort levels to ensure while you get a break or a weekend away.


Do you need a permit to build a ship container home?

When it comes to shipping container homes, you still need to contact the relative authorities to ensure that your shipping container is allowed to be situated on a piece of land, and then it also needs to meet existing building codes and zoning regulations. Set standards are set for building codes so that structures can receive an occupancy permit. The zoning regulations will tell you where a shipping container home can be built. Container Homes Wisconsin will assist you with these permits, and we will also be able to tell you if your shipping container home is allowed in a certain area. We also ensure that we follow the specific building codes so that your shipping container meets all building codes so that you can live in a safe environment.


Faster to build

Yes, shipping containers are usually faster to build than traditional houses. Depending on the size and complexity of a shipping container home, it can be built in a few days or weeks. All of this does depend on the finishes for your design requirements. For more complex shipping container homes it can take up to a few months, and it could take longer if there are construction delays. Container Homes Wisconsin ensure that we fabricate most of the structure offsite before we transport it to you.


Are shipping container cabins more affordable?

Shipping container homes can be more affordable than most traditional homes, but you will need to make sure that you consider some variables which include the shipping container size, the location, design, exterior, and interior finishes. A smaller shipping container home that is meant for one or two people will be a lot cheaper than a shipping container home that is built to accommodate a family. At Container Homes Wisconsin we will work with you to ensure that costs stay within your budget while still providing you with a comfortable shipping container cabin.

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